benefits of beta-alanine
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Beta-Alanine is primarily used in sports nutrition to buffer pH levels and promote endurance.


What is Beta-Alanine? Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid responsible for the synthesis of carnosine, a molecule responsible for acid-base regulation within skeletal muscles. In recent years, the supposed benefits of Beta-Alanine has been controversial.

But how exactly does Beta-Alanine work? Let's take a deeper look ⬇️


As one exercises, lactic acid accumulates, which can induce fatigue and hinder performance. Once consumed, Beta-Alanine combines with histidine within skeletal muscle to form carnosineCarnosine helps to buffer changes in pH; that is, protects against a drop in pH. It does so by binding to hydrogen ions; this mechanism prolongs time to exhaustion and ultimately increases overall performance in the gym. Carnosyn also poses benefits in other health categories, as it poses antioxidant effects and may be beneficial for certain neurological conditions including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

However, recent literature suggests that the benefits of Beta-Alanine are not fully experienced until approximately 10 weeks of continuous supplementation. The International Society of Sports Nutrition made the following conclusions:

  1. Four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation (4–6 g daily) significantly augments muscle carnosine concentrations, thereby acting as an intracellular pH buffer
  2. Beta-alanine supplementation currently appears to be safe in healthy populations at recommended doses
  3. The only reported side effect is paraesthesia (tingling), but studies indicate this can be attenuated by using divided lower doses (1.6 g) or using a sustained-release formula
  4. Daily supplementation with 4 to 6 g of beta-alanine for at least 2 to 4 weeks has been shown to improve exercise performance, with more pronounced effects in open end-point tasks/time trials lasting 1 to 4 min in duration
  5. Beta-alanine attenuates neuromuscular fatigue, particularly in older subjects, and preliminary evidence indicates that beta-alanine may improve tactical performance
  6. Combining beta-alanine with other single or multi-ingredient supplements may be advantageous when supplementation of beta-alanine is high enough (4–6 g daily) and long enough (minimum 4 weeks)
  7. More research is needed to determine the effects of beta-alanine on strength, endurance performance beyond 25 min in duration, and other health-related benefits associated with carnosine

In summary, Beta-Alanine supplementation certainly poses performance benefits, but not until at least two weeks of continuous supplementation of 4-6g daily, with the full performance benefits experienced around ten weeks of continuous supplementation of 4-6g daily.

Lastly, it's important to note that Beta-Alanine is responsible for the "tingling" sensation users often experience around the lips and cheeks after consumption. This side effect is completely harmless! 

For more information regarding Beta-Alanine supplementation, read here ⬇️


Beta-Alanine is typically found within pre-workout products

Benefits of Beta-Alanine 


  • Exercise performance
  • Tactical performance
  • Muscular endurance
  • Antioxidant properties

Recommended Dose

3,200-6,400mg per day


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