goated founder

Sammy Stoll

Goated Founder

Konlan Paul

Goated Co-Founder

We want to make a change...

Let's be honest, there's a lot of misinformation when it comes to supplements and health in general. In this day and age, it's hard to know who to trust.

That's where we come in.

My Story

I'm Sammy. Cardiac Nurse, V1 Nutra Product Formulator, Content Creator, and NuLiv Science Sales Representative. Here's my story:

Growing up, I was obsessed with health, fitness, and sports. It was my everything. I spent all my summers going to two or three practices a day split between football, wrestling, and baseball. All I ever wanted was to play division one sports; it was the only thought that ever ran through my head. And I devoted everything I had towards that dream until one day, I was given that opportunity. And not just in one sport... but all three. As my senior year went on and the time to decide which sport I'd pursue came ticking down, in the end, I chose none of them.

You see, deep down I knew playing a college sport wasn't best for my future. Sure, there's always the slim chance you make it big time. But I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field as a Nurse and eventually further my education as a Nurse Practitioner. I had two options:

  1. Take the accelerated program and graduate nursing school in three years with minimal college debt and enter the work force a year early
  2. Play a sport (most likely football) and be forced to pick up a minor degree and most likely graduate in five years

As much as my heart and soul so desperately wanted to play football, I knew it wasn't the right move for my future. And it broke me... absolutely broke me. To this day it still hurts, but looking back, it was absolutely the right move.


I stuck to my plan and pursued an education at Bowling Green State University, where I graduated a year early. I accepted a position on an orthopedic floor at the Cleveland Clinic and was immediately thrown into the COVID pandemic. The whole hospital was overrun with COVID, and our unit quickly converted to a COVID unit. Let me tell you, those were the hardest years of my entire life

I worked nightshift. I didn't see friends, I didn't see family. I had no human-to-human interaction besides with critically ill patients. I was miserable and knew I wanted more from my life than this.

It was at this time that I found a passion in supplements, and I began researching them non-stop. After reading hundreds of research articles; each of which had notes and highlighter marks on every page, I began to develop a solid foundation of knowledge behind supplements. They never failed to fascinate me, and I was totally consumed. Every free minute I had in the hospital, I devoted to researching new supplements. Soon, the articles found their way into a binder, and then another binder, and another. I was obsessed.

But it wasn't getting me anywhere. I had the knowledge, but no way to show it. It was at that moment I began to create content based around health and supplementation. Over time, I built some traction and gained a following. My content began to take off, and I quickly realized I could do more in the supplement field than I initially thought. But How?


I followed a creator named Konlan Paul. He posted educational supplement content and started his own brand, V1. I respected the hell out of what he was able to accomplish, his products, and the following he built. I saw a lot of qualities in him that I saw in myself, and I knew right away he was a dude I wanted to work with. And I set out to do exactly that. 

I reached out and asked if he'd ever thought about hiring on a product specialist. Never in a million years did I think that he'd ever get back to me, but to my surprise, he did. He told me that he was looking to add one, and he'd keep me in the loop. I thought "okay... that's just a nice way of telling me no". Months went by and as they did, my anxiety was killing me more and more by the day; my heart legitimately hurt. I wanted to work for V1 more than anything in the world, and I was prepared to drop everything to do so. It was all I could think about. I couldn't process anything else, my mind refused to do so.

Until one day, I get a message from him offering me the position. I said yes on the spot. I don't think I had ever been happier in my entire life. I told my boss I was quitting and moving to Texas the next day. I let my parents know as soon as I got the message. I spent one last day with the family for Thanksgiving, packed my stuff up, and moved to Dallas on Black Friday.

1,200 miles from home. 23 years old. Didn't know a soul. All by myself.

I didn't care. This was my life, and it was time to seize it.

Oh... Texas

It didn't take me long to realize Texas was right up my alley. I loved everything about it. Cowboy culture, the fast-paced life. It was my playground, and I went all in. Things picked up fast... My content started to take off, and I was able to connect with some amazing individuals in the supplement space. Eventually those connections led to a job openings, and I took them. It wasn't long after I moved to Texas that I found myself working full time as a travel nurse, part time at V1 formulating/sampling products, part time with Fitness Informant, and part time with NuLiv Science. I was BUSY. 80-90 hours a week, every week. No days off. It was a lot, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Life was good. Really good. I loved everything about it. I had hundreds of unique products at my disposal, I had built connections with some of the biggest brands in the industry, and I was pursuing something I loved. I made a lot of friends in the hospital who truly loved me and treated me like their son. I was spoiled... truly spoiled.

And then my life was turned upside down.

The Beginning of the End?

One of the most beloved individuals in my life was diagnosed with cancer. Not one of... single handedly THE most beloved person in my life. And it nearly broke me mentally. I no longer was constantly thinking about supplements; the only thing on my mind was how I was going to get back home to be there. It was at that same time that KJ mentioned we should be able to work remote for V1 in the near future, and I took him up on that. I bought an apartment in Cleveland, about 5 minutes from the best cancer treatment services in the world.

It's not until the livelihood of a loved one is at stake that you realize what's truly important in life. While that's a hard pill to swallow... it's true. And I'm sure anyone that has experienced something of this sort can testify to exactly that. It's so easy to take life for granted. You never know when things could take a turn for the worst, and I urge anyone reading this to hold your loved ones close. Because you never know what day could be their last.

F*ck. Cancer.

The Birth of Goated

Shortly after hearing news of the diagnosis, there was an urge within me to start a platform to educate others on overall health in hope that maybe, we could play a role in the prevention of a diagnosis of this sort. That's where Goated comes in. I spoke to my now good friend, KJ, about my plans for Goated. He was all in. Together, we know we can put our knowledge together and guide others towards a healthier lifestyle through supplements, diet, and fitness.

And you better believe we will spend the rest of our lives doing exactly that.

That's my story.

My Story

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