benefits of coffeeberry
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Coffeeberry provides similar benefits as caffeine, but with added antioxidant and blood flow properties.


What is Coffeeberry? Coffeeberry Energy is a trademarked ingredient developed by FutureCeuticals that yields 70% caffeine by mass; the other 30% contain a minimum 5% polyphenols which pose antioxidant properties. In order to understand Coffeeberry, it is first important to understand the makeup of the coffee plant. To get started, here's a not-so fun fact: there are over 120 Coffea species! Of those, Coffeeberry is derived from Arabica coffee plants, which are individually handpicked upon harvest time. While it lesser-known, coffee plants produce soft red fruit (called cherries) which encapsulate a much harder pit. The pit, also known as the "coffee bean", is used to produce everyone's favorite morning pick-me-up, coffee. However, it's important to note that the remaining fruit also yields caffeine - and similar to other fruits, are extraordinarily rich in polyphenols. The benefits of Coffeeberry are quite similar to caffeine, but with a few key differences. 

Caffeine Benefits

Caffeine consumption has been shown to provide a number of benefits; it increases energy, helps suppress appetite which aids in fat loss, enhances focus and attention, and much more. 

Numerous studies show that caffeine consumption prior to athletic performance yields performance benefits. Between enhancing cognition, accuracy, reaction time, energy, and attention, it is clear why this is the case. Studies show that caffeine increases endurance, power, sprint speed, strength, and agility when consumed prior or during athletic activities. 

Caffeine also poses benefits when it comes to weight loss. It does so by increasing thermogenesis, the process of heat production within the body. An increase in thermogenesis helps to create a caloric deficit, and a calorie deficit is the one and only way to induce weight loss.

Polyphenol Benefits of Coffee Cherries

Coffee cherries are loaded with many bioactive compounds including caffeine, catechin, epicatechin, chlorogenic acid, and rutin. These compounds portray a plethora of benefits such as reduced cholesterol levels, improved liver function, improved kidney function, and reduced lipid levels. In addition, they also pose antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cognitive benefits.

These findings are outlined in a randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial conducted on 61 healthy participants over the course of 12 weeks. The participants were randomly allocated into two groups; one group consuming coffee 28g cherry pulp and another group consuming a 14g placebo.

Cholesterol Levels

coffeeberry cholesterol

Triglyceride Levels

coffeeberry lipids

Kidney Function

coffeeberry kidney

Liver Function

coffeeberry liver

For more information on the polyphenol benefits of coffee cherries, read here ⬇️,7%2C8%2C9%5D.


Coffeeberry is typically found within pre-workout, focus, energy, and productivity products.

Benefits of Coffeeberry


  • Focus
  • Cognition
  • Psychomotor speed
  • Liver function
  • Kidney function
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Lipid levels
  • Inflammation

Recommended Dose

100-200mg is the typical dose within sports nutrition, although the FDA recognizes up to 400mg caffeine to be safe for consumption daily.


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