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MitoBurn is primarily used in sports nutrition to increase thermogenesis and aid in weight loss.


What is MitoBurn? MitoBurn is a highly popular thermogenic ingredient utilized in many fat-burning products across the industry. MitoBurn is quite literally L-BAIBA; an amino acid and metabolite of L-Valine that is produced from muscles during intense bouts of exercise. The benefits of MitboBurn are well documented, as it poses a rather unique mechanism of action aiding in proper weight management.

It's important to understand that stored body fat falls in one of two categories: brown adipose tissue (BAT) or white adipose tissue (WAT). Almost 98% of the fat content in the typical human body is WAT, or "unwanted" fat. On the flip side, the remaining 2% is BAT, or "good" fat. It sounds odd to call any source of fat "good", but bare with us.

Because BAT has significantly more mitochondria- which are responsible for all energy production within cells, BAT proves to be much more thermogenic (heat producing) compared to WAT. This increase in body temperature increases daily caloric expenditure and helps to create a calorie deficit, which is the key component driving weight loss.

Think of it like this: WAT is to energy conservation, as BAT is to energy expenditure. This means that the more BAT that's present, the more calories burned throughout the day 🔥

BAT activation poses more benefits than just weight loss. BAT pulls glucose and triglycerides out of the blood stream, which plays a role in overall cardiovascular health and glycemic control as well.


MitoBurn is typically found within fat loss products.

Benefits of MitoBurn


  • Decreases body fat
  • Improves body composition
  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Promotes mitochondrial function and cellular energy

Recommended Dose

500mg per day


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